The Government of Canada announced that donations received by February 28, 2025 can be applied to 2024 taxes.

Who We Are

Good Neighbours Canada is a registered charity in Toronto, Ontario, that supports people in need locally and internationally. Our primary objective is to work closely with the communities we serve, fostering collaboration and understanding. Through a collaborative approach, we strive to develop programs and initiatives that are tailored to address the unique circumstances and requirements of each community.

Good Neighbours International supports:

Sponsored Children

Impacts We Can Make

There are many different ways you can help transform the lives of people around the world. Explore our different campaigns and find the cause that you care the most about!

Child Sponsorship


Clean Water

Social Enterprise

Emergency Relief

Impact Stories

Meet Vanessa

“Education is really important to me, and I used to dream of going to school and learning new things. Until a lovely person from Canada sponsored me”

Vanessa is an 11-year old girl that had to stop school to work at a brick factory to help her family make ends meet. With the support of Good Neighbours, Vanessa can now attend school and receive nutritious food and quality healthcare. She dreams of becoming a teacher one day.


Together, we can create a brighter future for Vanessa and for other children like her.

Before, I needed to wake up early every morning to get water miles away from the house before going to school. Sometimes this water was not even clean so was unsafe to drink, but we did not have a choice. I cannot describe the joy that I felt in my heart the first day I drank this clean water, because for me it was the end of a part of my suffering. Thank you, Good Neighbours!
Josephine Mouna Adji
a 12-year old girl in Mehé, Cameroon

Creating Opportunities for Girls

We are working with rural communities to reduce gendered expectations, provide reproductive health education, and strengthen young girls’ skills to build a foundation for a stable future

Where will my money go?

We ensure transparency regarding the allocation of your donation. Approximately $0.83 of your $1 contribution directly supports the community of your choice. 

Yes, tax receipts will be shared in a consolidated format at the end of each tax year for your convenience. Throughout the duration of your support, if your legal name or mailing address changes, please get in touch with the Good Neighbours Canada team to make sure that we include the correct details on your tax receipt.

For any questions about our program or inquiries about your donation, you can send us an email at or call (647) 370-4113 ext. 702.

Support the future of children today

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