BBC News features Good Neighbors work

BBC News features Good Neighbors' work

April 10, 2020

BBC News aired a story drawing attention to Good Neighbors's food parcels for students from low-income families
BBC News aired a story drawing attention to Good Neighbors's food parcels for students from low-income families

Good Neighbors' COVID-19 response in South Korea was highlighted in a BBC News piece about home schooling during the pandemic and the impact it has for low-income families.


A number of charities have also helped out donating tablets, portable internet devices and offering their tech know-how. In Seoul, the charity Good Neighbors has stepped in to support thousands of students from low-income families. They're even handing out food parcels to help students concentrate. For many, school can be a place of stability and a daily home cooked meal.


The biggest worry for many families is having to leave their children at home when they have to go to work and the kid's ability to learn without teacher supervision.

"We try to help these families by either calling the children to check up on them or by sending these food hampers, and asking if they need any help", says Kim Sun-hong, from Good Neighbors.