Joining forces with other Canadian charities

Joining forces with other Canadian charities

October 27, 2020

Canada Cares
Canada Cares

We are teaming up with local charities to support the Canada Cares Campaign, calling on the federal government to create a 1:1 matching fund.

Many charities have been struggling since COVID-19 hit, with cancelled events, and drop in donations, while still providing services in our community.

"Since the start of the pandemic, charities are experiencing significant declines in revenue with donations going down. That is why we are asking for your support in our advocacy. Through a matching funds program, research has shown that donations increase by 20%. Canada’s charities are not asking for a handout – they are asking for a hand up."

How does a matching fund help?

The model is an enormous incentive when an organization is fundraising. It also raises the nonprofit's capacity to have adequate funds for their projects.

Here are some other benefits:

• Speed;
• Equitable;
• Accountability;
• Administrative Simplicity;
• Inspires and Builds Solidarity;
• Leverage Existing Donor Base.

Join us

Canadians from all over the country can send customizable e-mails to their Member of Parliament and politicians including Prime Minister Trudeau. With a diverse set of voices, MPs and decision makers will be compelled to pay attention and act.

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