Children are not brides
June 21, 2021

In the villages of Tan Bac and Yen Thanh, Vietnam, there is limited information about sexual and reproductive health. If a girl finds out she is pregnant, the expectation is to marry.
In 2021, we are supporting Good Neighbors Vietnam in addressing early marriage. we believe that prevention starts with information.
Child marriage impacts boys and girls. Being put in the position of taking responsibilities far beyond their years keeps them from getting further education. It also exposes girls to health problems from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to early pregnancies (and its risks for complications or unsafe abortions).
Students from two secondary schools will develop ideas for awareness campaigns on the risks of early marriage. A contest will select the best campaigns to be carried out until December.
A new sexual and reproductive health curriculum will deliver reliable and accurate information.
There are also plans to install a new reproductive health room at the local health centre in each town. The goal is to support pregnant girls and conduct community outreach work. Good Neighbors is committed to supporting with training.