The Government of Canada announced that donations received by February 28, 2025 can be applied to 2024 taxes.

Coronavirus sudden spread: Minds in Bloom postponed

Coronavirus sudden spread: Minds in Bloom postponed

March 16, 2020

With the quick spread of coronavirus cases over the weekend, we have decided to postpone our next fundraiser, Minds in Bloom, originally scheduled for May 27. We don’t have a new date yet, but we feel it was the responsible decision to make. We will be contacting all parties involved shortly.

The event would have:

  • Keynote speaker: Dr. Colin King, Director of the Child and Youth Development Clinic (CYDC) – Western Education.
  • Welcome remarks: Amanda L. Kennedy, Founder of Kuwahs^nahawi “in her name they carry” Indigenous Social Enterprises and Yotuni Charitable Initiative (both based on her Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames).
  • Goods4Causes table with different sustainable products from our cooperatives, instead of a silent auction.
  • Live music.
  • Flower wall for exciting indoor garden pictures.
  • Three-course meal.

Right now, the well-being of our community is our priority. We are focusing on the health of volunteers, donors, guests, sponsors, staff, supporters and their families, neighbours and friends.

To help stop the spread of Covid-19, our team will be working remotely until April 3. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us: 1 (833) 614-GOOD (4663) –

The Child and Youth Development Clinic (CYDC) will be closed until further notice. They are reaching out to families about the situation. Western University is monitoring the evolving situation for important updates for the campus community.

The Chippewa, Munsee-Delaware, and Oneida First Nations (CMO) March Break Camp (scheduled for March 16-20), which we are supporting, was also suspended and will be rescheduled in time. Yotuni Charitable Initiative will keep us updated. Thank you, Amanda L. Kennedy!

This is a major impact for the work we do, and we are humbled by the continuous support of our donors.

On March 14th, we completed 3 years in London, ON. We didn’t really have a chance to celebrate but we are so pleased to see people helping those in need, going on supply runs or even offering flexibility for employees to stay home with their families.

We will continue to follow local health officials to keep everyone informed.


Take good care of one another. Keep being such good neighbours,


The Good Neighbors Canada team


Follow the Middlesex-London Health Unit for coronavirus updates and stay safe!

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