Girls Will Stay holds second raffle for Better Life for Girls
June 4, 2021

Girls Will Stay held another Virtual Raffle Fundraiser for our Better Life for Girls campaign in Uganda and the winners have been announced.
Congratulations Vanice Yau, Lucy Gatiss Brown, and Finn Tracy! Winners must contact Girls Will Stay directly to claim their prizes: each one of them will receive a leather basketball and a Hamber shirt.
A total of 507 tickets were sold and $847 was raised for dignity kits. Awesome work!
The fact that this donation is coming in June is also very important.
This month, every $1 donated online, gives us a chance to win $20,000 from Canada Helps. That means this $847 donation gives us 847 entries during the Great Canadian Giving Challenge.
Thank you for helping us distribute feminine hygiene products for girls in Uganda. We are so proud of your initiative!