The Government of Canada announced that donations received by February 28, 2025 can be applied to 2024 taxes.

Running Together for Children’s Rights – Good Run 7K

It must be hard to wake up and get ready for running at 7 A.M. on a Sunday, but there were a group of people who sacrificed precious weekend sleep for early running seven kilometers. Despite of the early hour, more than four hundred people attended, showing no signs of sleepiness, instead energetically taking pictures with friends, smiling, laughing, and warming up for the race: Good Run 7k, organized by Good Neighbors Paraguay to raise awareness of children’s rights.


In Paraguay’s capital, Asuncion, Good Neighbors Paraguay held Good Run 7K, a running event in collaboration with of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), logistics of Paraguay Marathon Club, and sponsored by the private sector. The participation fee was about 14 USD, which will be used for community development programs of La Victoria CDP, and the Vocational Training Center for children and adolescents. To advertise the run, Good Neighbors Paraguay held a press conference and had Paraguayan celebrity and television personality, Paola Maltese, who hosted the event itself and appeared on promotional videos. With these efforts, the run was a great success with more than 400 people in attendance. 


Firstly, it helped promote children’s rights, especially to health, education, recreation, identity, protection, clean drinking water, and participation in society. Although there are 54 fundamental children’s rights outlined in the United Nation’s Convention on the Right of the Child, Good Neighbors Paraguay selected 7 of the most essential for this race. Each of the 7 rights was represented every kilometer to raise children’s rights awareness. Throughout the race, it was expected that the runners become interested in promoting children’s rights, as well as creating a child and adolescent friendly society. Secondly, the run raised some fund for Good Neighbors Paraguay’s various Community Development Projects. The run was considered to be a great fundraising event because of Paraguay’s very sports orientated culture.

If Good Neighbors worked alone, it would hardly achieve its goal. Community awareness and participation is absolutely vital to creating a better world for children and adolescents. Good Neighbors Paraguay will be organizing another running event for next year. Hopefully more people will attend, and all funds will go for Community Development Project. It continues to improve the quality of the children by mobilizing the people together, one step at a time.


“I participated in this Good Run 7K to help Good Neighbors Paraguay. With this event, I had a chance to know what children’s rights are. In addition, it was an invaluable experience where I could help our children by doing a really fun activity. It motivated me to run again in another event!”



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