Our first fundraising concert: a volunteer’s perspective

Our first fundraising concert: a volunteer’s perspective

July 1, 2017

“Thinking back on the fundraising concerts earlier on in the week, I realized how much of a great experience I’ve had with the Good Neighbors volunteers, staff, guests, and CCM singer Soriel. Every concert was special in its own way, and we had a great turnout overall.

On Friday morning, we were on the road once again to our final concert in Toronto. I was feeling a bit tired but felt excited to meet new faces at the concert.

Before the concert, we had time to enjoy refreshments and talk to guests about our ongoing fundraising projects. We introduced our new Wishing Well Project, which has a goal of building 20 wells in Zambia to provide residents with access to clean water to drink and use for everyday life.

Guests who attended the concert had a fabulous time. During intermission, we watched clips of Good Neighbors volunteers travelling to areas in Haiti affected by the earthquake. At that moment, I strongly felt the need to reach out to our neighbors around the world, and one day, travel to these affected regions to help them.

I was amazed with the number of people who came out and became sponsors of Good Neighbors. It was lovely to see people enjoy the music and have a good time with their friends and family. Overall, it was a privilege to volunteer at the Soriel fundraising concert, which was an experience of a lifetime.”

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