Good Neighbors Canada brings you Minds in Bloom, a Spring dinner in collaboration with Western University’s Faculty of Education.
Proceeds to local and international causes
When we launched our Save a School campaign in Guatemala, we thought about how studying at a makeshift school impacts the student’s and their parent’s mental health. It became clear that our biggest goal was to improve their well-being and we wanted to multiply our impact by helping our community in Canada as well.
50% of all Minds in Bloom proceeds will go to La Palangana Primary School in Guatemala and the other 50% will go to the Child and Youth Development Clinic, in London, Ontario.
🌸 As a keynote speaker we will have Dr. Colin King, Director of the Child and Youth Development Clinic (CYDC) – Western Education.
🌸 Welcome remarks will be done by Amanda L. Kennedy, Founder of Kuwahs^nahawi “in her name they carry” Indigenous Social Enterprises and Yotuni Charitable Initiative (both based on her Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames).
🌸 Instead of a silent auction, we will have a #Goods4Causes table with different sustainable products from our cooperatives.
🌸 We will also have live music (entertainer to be announced soon).
🌸 Flower wall for exciting indoor garden pictures.
🌸 Three-course meal.
🌸 This is an opportunity to help children abroad and at home.
🌸 There will be a a showcase of assessment tools and graduate work used at the clinic.
Get your tickets while they last. On sale until May 17th.